Social media has grown in importance as a forum for number of political activism in its different forms. You have various number of platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, which help to stimulate political life.Social media helps to boost personal communication with voters. A platform allows politicians to communicate faster. With the help of online feedback, reactions, conversations and debates help to gauge responsiveness of the people. However, it is a fast spreading medium but they have a large hand in reshaping the structures and method of contemporary political communication by influencing the way politicians interact with citizens and each other.
Looking into the role of social media in politics we came across a website that includes twelve papers on social media and political participation presented at a seminar in Florence organized by New York University in May 2013. This seminar covers themes such as democracy and the internet, use of political campaigns, power to and power to mobilize mass actions. The website gives a clear and concise overview of the impact of changing media landscape on pattern of political participation and impact politics and social media campaign.
Youth Participation in Democratic Life organized at London School of Economics is a thorough study on young peoples’ motivation and steadiness to participate politically. The study covers youth in Europe.
Women in decision-making the role of the new media for increased political participation at European Parliament Policy Department shows a case study on how social media increases female participation in political discussion. The case study further highlights standards and best practices in the use new media, with a focus on European political groups, electoral campaigns and more.
In the book Democracy in transition: political participation in the European Union by Dēmētriou, Kyriakos N. analyses the reasons behind citizens’ apathy towards traditional forms of political participation in Europe.
Electoral Campaigns and Online Communication Strategies
The evolution of social media has helped a lot as it constructs also provides an analytical overview of new forms of political participation on the internet. It also helps to examine the use of internet in political communication strategies.
Again based on rules of use of social media is able to show how they connect or engage like-minded people in virtual and real life political action. Even it is helping to improve chances to communicate directly with voters during the election campaigns.